There are a number of ways to become an U.S. citizen for purposes of legally working and residing in Batesville, Indiana. The most common is being born in the United States. Anyone born within the United States or its territories becomes an United States citizen, provided the birth is registered with the relevant authorities.

Batesville Citizenship Lawyers Understand the Naturalization Process

Individuals not born in Indiana, or any other state within the Union can apply for Citizenship through the process of naturalization. Although naturalization procedures vary according to each applicant's circumstances, in general, one must qualify as a legal permanent resident, live in the U.S. for a specified time, successfully complete an U.S. law and history exam, and exhibit good moral character.

Batesville Attorneys Can Help You Avoid Citizenship Denial

Individuals subject to outstanding removal orders may be denied U.S. citizenship. The process of immigration is a difficult one. Batesville, Indiana Citizenship Lawyers can provide guidance and lead you on a path toward citizenship.