If you are looking for Immigration Lawyers in Michigan then look no further. LegalMatch is the Internet's premiere Attorney Client Matching Service and the fastest way to find knowledgeable Immigration Lawyers. Please select which sub-category within Immigration that you need assistance with and we'll systematically match you to the appropriate Michigan Immigration Attorney. Our Service is Free, Fast and Confidential.
The Process of Immigration within Michigan
Immigration to the U.S. is handled by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service, or USCIS. If you are planning on entering the country, have family members who want to come to Michigan, or need to change your immigration status, you will probably have to deal with the USCIS in Michigan during the process.
Become an U.S. Citizen and Legal Immigrant of Michigan
It doesn't matter whether you are currently in the United States legally or illegally. You should seriously engage in becoming a lawful immigrant of Michigan.
Do not contact the USCIS in Michigan Do not speak to federal immigration officers in
Interesting Facts About Michigan
Michigan has a population of over 9 million people and is the 8th most populated state in the U.S. The name "Michigan" means "large lake". In the year 1837, Michigan became the 26th state to officially join the Union. The Michigan State Capitol is located in the city of Lansing in Ingham County.
Michigan's court system is comprised of three levels, each serving a different purpose. At the lowest level are the District Courts, Municipal Courts, and Probate Courts. Appeals and higher matters are heard at the intermediate level through the Circuit Court system. Michigan also operates a Court of Claims at the intermediate level, which hears administrative agency appeals involving claims against the state. Michigan's highest court is the Michigan Supreme Court.
Aside from hearing advanced legal claims, the Supreme Court also operates the Michigan Supreme Court Historical Society, dedicated to the preservation of Michigan's rich legal history. A famous Michigan court case is Workman v. Detroit Board of Education (1869), one of the first cases dealing with segregation in education. Another famous Michigan case is the Dr. Kevorkian trial involving assisted death and euthanasia. In 1846, Michigan was the first U.S. state to abolish the death penalty.
Lawyers in Michigan file most of their claims at the District or Municipal Court level. Michigan lawyers are experienced in a broad range of legal topics, allowing them to address the unique legal needs of the community. Michigan continues to promote its rich tradition of legal excellence and service.