Waco Immigration Lawyers

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Waco has attracted a considerable number of foreign born immigrants that have found their way to Texas. Waco draws a variety of immigrants because of its great location and economy.

When you are ready to become a legal resident, you should familiarize yourself with the process in Waco TX.

Waco Texas Immigration Information & Assistance

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service is primarily responsible for handling all of the federal laws that regulate immigration.

There are several ways to become a legal United States resident in

It is imperative to give your Immigration Attorney correct and thorough information, especially if you are looking to reside in

Giving the USCIS the wrong information or contacting them without being prepared may jeopardize your chances of becoming a legal citizen.

Give yourself the best chance of becoming a citizen, contact an Immigration attorney today.

Talk to an Immigration Law Attorney now!

Life in Waco

Waco is home to approximately 234,906 people. Located in McLennan County, Texas, Waco lies near the Brazos River and is between Dallas and Austin.

Being near two of Texas's largest cities, Waco residents have available to them the large legal force in Dallas and Austin. Many small, mid-size, and large law firms are located near Waco and train attorneys in all areas of practice.

Alongside the legal industry, top employers include Baylor University, L-3 Communications, Wal-Mart, Sanderson Farms, Inc., the school districts, and Hillcrest Health System.

Downtown Waco is a fun area filled with great shopping and dining. Also, Downtown Waco is were Dr. Pepper was invented! The famous Dr. Pepper Museum is therefore located in Downtown. Other popular attractions include the west banks of the Brazos River, Baylor University, and the Cameron Park Zoo.

All in all, Waco is a great place filled with friendly residents, history, and comfortable living.

Clients Rate LegalMatch Attorneys
(click to read reviews)

Christian C.
Christian C.


Irvine, CA

Lisa O.
Lisa O.

Immigration Law

Spring, TX

Shahid M.
Shahid M.

Immigration Law

Roseville, CA